Start your fitness journey with me today.

There is more than one way to reach your fitness goals and there are just as many directions you can take your fitness. Regardless of the direction you are heading, your mindset is the center of your success or failure.

Want to know More About Me?

I’m with you on your journey

Fitness Mindset Mastery Course

What’s it look like?

The Fitness Mindset Mastery Course is 100% focused on your fitness goals. 

Whether you are looking to improve how you look, wanting to be healthier, or seeking high performance, in this program, we will tackle your goals together.   
You will have 6 - 50 min zoom meetings with me where we will discuss your goals, assess your current fitness level, and make your customized (PREP) personal record exercise plan.   Everyone is different on how frequently they need guidance, so these meetings can be spaced out between 6 weeks and 6 months.   This means you may want 1 call per week for 6 weeks or 1 call per month for 6 months.  It's up to you and your needs, based on my availability.
Together we will decide which tracking metrics are most important for your goals and we will track and assess them together.

The simple details

  • 6 x 50 min zoom appointments spaced out as needed. 

  • Customized PREP - Personal Record Exercise Plan

  • Training feedback and guidance

  • Dietary guidance

  • Tracking

  • Accountability (I will do everything possible to help you succeed.  This is about you reaching your goals)

Ready to begin your Fitness Mindset Mastery Program now?